Does anyone have any snacks?

Plates full of different sweets

You might manage to be healthy all weekend… Just eating your normal three meals a day without a single thought for a snack. But boom! The working week rolls round and suddenly its all you can think about.  There is always that one trusted person that brings way too many snacks in you act like […]

Heatwave from hell ?

We all know England and sun goes one way or another, on the weekend everyone is flooding into the closest beer garden downing cocktails and beers like there is no tomorrow. But on a weekday the tables turn… This week temperatures have soared and I am sure you can agree with me when I say […]

The Cancellation Plague

Got that one friend who always cancels? Or is it always you? The cancellation plague is upon us and people are losing more friends than ever – who is to blame? Netflix, Instagram, Income? Who knows.. Don’t take it personally Most cancellations are due to reasons other than a personal attack on you. Your friend […]

Get Packing

Whether you’re going away for a weekend or 2 weeks, packing is always the most stressful part. You start by making a list – checking it twice – are you willing to pay the Ryanair extra price? The outfit for the airport is the first port of call, you’ve got to be comfy but also […]

Where is the sun? ?

People stood in a flood

Is there more of a HumpdayHeadache than the weather? England is the only place in the world where you can experience all 4 seasons in one day. You go out with a lovely dress on and some sandals with the sun high in the sky. Your commute to work is less than a 20 minute […]

Annoyed to a Tea


So you want a cup of tea but you don’t want to make 5 different types of tea for your colleagues. One sugar, two teabags, dairy free milk, more milk than tea, there’s too much to remember and too much to get wrong. You sneak up, hiding your mug in the hopes that no-one spots […]

Shocking supermarket sweeps

Rows of Supermarket shelves

With each supermarket comes different trials and tribulations. No two shopping experiences are the same. You’ll go to Aldi for the price and convenience which is always a bonus, but you come to the checkout and you’re faced with friendly cashiers… So what’s the problem here? You forgot the cashiers actually have bionic arms and […]

Netflix Nightmares

Scrolling… That’s all I ever do on Netflix, mindlessly scrolling. In fact, according to a 2016 survey published in Bustle, the average person spends 19 minutes scrolling on the streaming service before deciding what to watch. That’s basically 20 minutes, and as Netflix keeps adding more and the choice is just oh-so-tough. You know the […]

Printer probs

printing picture

With your word doc open you press print and stay to double check it… tentatively you get up from your seat and begin the walk to the printer. You get all the way down the stairs and across to the printer but to your dismay there are no signs of printing. It must be done […]

The draining reality of smartphone batteries

Smartphone battery

Smartphones crippling battery life is something that triggers everyone. That dreaded moment when you hit 1% and you’re out and about catching up with people – but all you can think about is “what’s an acceptable time to leave so I can sort out this nightmare…” Or you have to try and charge it through […]