Hollerings | Digital & IT

Top Upcoming Tech Events in Austin

Austin’s technology industry and community is continuing to thrive through the COVID pandemic and with virtual event software such as Zoom and Eventbrite, we are all able to attend meetups and events to network, learn and inspire!

Here are some of of the top upcoming events in Austin to keep you connected in the run-up to Christmas:

Austin Data Science is hosting an amazing meetup to tackle many of the soft skills that are crucial to becoming the best developer you can be. From your mindset, ways of learning and methods to work to, there are many topics that will be covered to help inspire and educate junior to mid-level developers! 

The meetup will be taken by speaker Eric Chiu, a Hack Reactor alumnus and Software Engineer at The Home Depot. Eric has great commercial experience in the wider engineering field as well as software specific expertise to pass on. 

AI Camp - 25th November

AI Camps’ Best practices in data annotation for quality delivery meetup will be hosted by Jean-Emmanuel Wattier from Ingedata and be a collaborative workshop style event. You can learn more about quality data labelling and it’s integration into all technology work with a focus on Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing.

As the Data Solutions Director & Head of AI/Deep Learning, Jean-Emmanuel has a wealth of experience to learn from!

Join the React Native & Mobile Mania online meetup held by Women Who Code Austin and learn more about coding with React Native as well as how to improve as a developer in the mobile sphere!

As with all Women Who Code events globally, this event is incredibly inclusive for anyone including complete beginners to seasoned experts!

Product School - 8th December

This virtual meetup has a broader focus into the tech industry and how individuals and companies can create products that have a positive social impact and truly solve a community problem! The meetup will cover different forms of feedback and how to act on it, setting meaningful team goals and creating an impact-driven development process. Whether you are just setting up a new project or product or learning more for a career in product development then there is so much you can learn.

Speaker Alex is the founder of lifestyle brand Origin of Mind alongside her role as a Product Manager for Warby Parker. Alex is both experienced in and passionate about how much social discourse can create better products and so a better world!

CloudAustin - 15th December

Get in the spirit of Christmas with CloudAustins annual Twelve Clouds of Christmas meetup where a dozen or more members from the group and wider community give lightning talks and demos! The event is fast paced, enjoyable and educational for attendees at all knowledge base levels. 

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