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Be a STAR in your interviews…

Interviewing can be a scary concept, creating a concise answer and getting straight to the point is exactly what the interviewer is after. The STAR method is a great way of answering questions without feeling like you are boasting about your achievements, but instead providing solid examples.

STAR stands for...


Set the scene and describe a specific situation, make sure to give enough detail so that the interviewer understands.


Describe what your responsibility was in that situation or the goal you wanted to achieve.


Explain exactly what steps you took to address it, keeping the focus on yourself – use “I” not “we”.


Share the outcome your actions achieved. What happened? What did you accomplish?

These 4 key elements it will help you get from A to B without elongating your story and adding unneeded information. Try not to disclose any negative results such as ”didn’t complete on time”.

Make sure you are prepared and even have certain examples than you can reel off, because thinking of a full situation on the spot can be difficult. If you are asked a couple of questions try to think of different situations and not just the one!

Here is a sample STAR response to…

Tell me about a time when you performed well under enormous pressure.

Step 1. Situation:

At my last job, a colleague fell sick and had to be off work for some time, and their project was left unfinished and without a manager.

Step 2. Task:

My supervisor instructed me to take on the project, and with no leniency on the deadline, I had days to complete a project that originally should have taken several weeks.

Step 3. Action:

I requested and was granted a reduction in my weekly goals, giving me more time to finish this project. I was able to delegate some of my goals to my teammates.

Star 4. Result:

With the reduction in my daily goals, I was able to dedicate more time to the special project. This allowed me to finish it on time and with complete accuracy. My supervisor appreciated my attitude and drive, and I was given several more projects after that, along with an eventual promotion and pay raise.

Here you can see a demonstrated sample of STAR, with aims and reasoning behind the story resulting in a pay rise!

If you have any more interview prep we would love to hear it!

Written by: Leah Cottham

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