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Don’t be fooled on April Fools

April Fools Feature Gif

April Fools, it comes once a year but does it really ever go as planned? There are always people that completely forget about it and those that take it way too far! 

Here are some of the best and worst April Fool’s pranks:

The Messy Toilet

When we were children, we all at some point attempted the classic cling film over the bowl of the toilet trick and I doubt it actually worked… 

Remember though, if you’re going to be the one cleaning up all that mess then the joke might actually be on you!

Insect Lamps

Yes okay, I know what you are all wondering what on earth is an insect lamp? Well it really is simple… Cut out a bug on some black paper and sellotape to the inside of your lamp. The bigger the better as you give someone in your house a serious fright!

Listen out for a big reaction as someone turns a lamp on and screams the house down.

Joke Shop Poos

It’s the old classic that still works every time. Put the joke shop poo down and let the chaos begin…

Take it to the next level with the latest latest trend “The fake poop prank” as parents ask their children for toilet roll and proceed to wipe chocolate on the kids hand when they come into the bathroom! We are sure to see many more of these videos going viral!

Colour Changing Shampoo

Sick of your partner stealing your shampoo? Then this prank is definitely for you! Swap out all of the shampoo with some colorful hair dye and watch them get the makeover of their life that’ll last longer than april fools!

WARNING: please know what you are getting into if you plan to do this  prank, if you know their reaction it could be hilarious if not make sure your doors are locked at night. And best of luck!

Sticky Situation

With everyone using hand sanitiser more than ever this prank is ideal! it’s on the messier side, but it’s super easy to execute: Swap the clear substance for clear school glue instead. They’ll pump out a sticky surprise right into their hands … and wonder why it’s not evaporating!

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