Hollerings | Digital & IT

Working from home

When you’re working the normal 9-5 Monday to Friday in an office, working from home seems like a dream, but after spending a few days inside, I feel like I am literally going insane!!!

Back at work it was a lot easier to decide when to eat, whether it was allocated-timed breaks or hitting 11 for a snack of your choice. Now you’re at home, you find yourself checking the fridge every hour and you feel the need to consume every snack there is in the house.

Finding a suitable home office space is impossible – for those of us who don’t have a home office it can be difficult to find a suitable space. You think you have it, you are all comfy but no! You have a team chat and it looks like you’ve turned the lights out.

Your attire ranges day to day – Day 1 you had a cute little shirt and pants and looked business-ready, Day 2 comes by and it’s just a shirt with your pj-bottoms, what we call webcam-ready. Day 3 is here and by now you have lost motivation to make an effort and it has become a hoodie and leggings kind of attire for the foreseeable. 

You think that it’s going to be so cute working alongside your boyfriend, you can have lunch together and take the same tea breaks. To begin with it’s great, you have a laugh throughout the day and are enjoying spending more time together. Fast forward to Day 4 of working from home and honestly if he looks at me again I might slam dunk him.

Is there anything better than working from home with your pets? Okay maybe our keyboards have been overtaken and their happy tails are causing an amusing distraction, but our breaks have become a lot more fun. Not only do we get to spend the working day with them but we get to see posted pictures of our colleagues pets all day long. What distraction is better than that?

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