Hollerings | Digital & IT

Dress Code = Stress Load

Depending on where you work, what you wear can vary. From casual wear to formal, what really is the best?

What about the best of both?

Summer starts and you’re back to casual wear and it seems like a dream!! You can wear your own stuff and are ready to go out as soon as work finishes. Jeans, shorts, dresses.. The world is your oyster.

There’s always that one that takes it too far. Bright purple vest with white short shorts and flip flops, do people actually wear these things outside of work, IN PUBLIC?!

You get the dreaded email – 01/09/2019 – back to office wear, But is it really that bad? 

I mean apart from having to purchase a whole new office wardrobe it can be quite nice to dress smart.

Full blown formal wear starts off with everyone feeling amazing, you all look smart and professional. A week later and everyone has worn the same suit for the past 3 days, your tights have ladders in from hoisting them up every 20 mins and you have the worst blisters from your new shoes you have been trying to ‘break in’. Is it summer soon?

A lot of offices are full time formal wear, at least it’s splits up your wardrobe? But there is nothing worse than 32 degree day and wearing a suit, maybe take a leaf out of Chris Eubank’s book.

Smart casual is actually the worst option you can get… what do you actually even wear?! Jeans are too casual, suit pants are too formal – does anyone actually know what’s right?

Everyone’s interpretation of smart casual can create very different outfits within the office. There is always that girl with their comfiest hoodie on or the man in a full suit… do you not understand the balance? Because we definitely don’t…


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